What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a powerful way of working with your body’s innate intelligence to re-establish balance in your system after experiencing a physical, emotional or mental stress, dis-ease or trauma.
The philosophy behind kinesiology is that while our bodies are naturally self-regulating; life sometimes knocks us off balance and we can experience extreme emotional stress, sickness, pain or form-limiting beliefs that keep us stuck.
Kinesiology uses muscle monitoring (which is when we hold a muscle against light pressure) to get feedback from a person's nervous system so that we can determine what is off-balance and what procedure is best to help the person re-establish homeostasis.
These imbalances can present as any number of symptoms (some examples would be pain, stress, anxiety, depression, hormonal issues, digestive issues). We use a variety of techniques to re-establish balance, while also addressing the root cause of the stress. This is important to create new neurological options so that your system can respond differently to difficult situations/pain.
About Me.
I am a Specialised Kinesiologist. I work with both people and horses and am constantly blown away by the shift I see kinesiology makes in their lives.
We have the power to shift, but sometimes it can feel like there is too much in the way to prevent the shift from happening.
We can feel incredibly stuck and hopeless in our pain and trauma. This is where I believe kinesiology can be hugely beneficial. My favourite thing about kinesiology is that no session is the same, this is because we are guided by your neurology as to what is correct for you and your specific focus – from a mental, emotional and physical view point. We then balance your system to create new references so that things that felt so incredibly hard, can begin to shift.
I chose to study kinesiology because I saw how transformative it was in my own life and in the life of others. Everyone can benefit from a kinesiology session, no matter the issue.

Neural Organisation Technique (N.O.T) was developed by Dr Carl Ferreri. The technique was formed from his observations of how the body's primal survival systems are organised. He discovered that when the neurology of these primal survival systems becomes disorganised, then this leads to problems in the body's structure and function. Neural Organisation Technique not only works on regulating the sensory input to our Central Nervous System, it recalibrates the sensory receptor itself so that it can feed back the correct information. This is what makes N.O.T. so incredible and effective.
N.O.T is useful with the following:
• sensory issues,
• anxiety,
• accident recall,
• scoliosis,
• dyslexia and learning difficulties,
• cranial injuries,
• digestive issues,
• sleep issues,
• hormonal issues, to name but a few.
Neural Organisation Technique (NOT) is a modality I am hugely passionate about because of the incredible results I have seen from it. Often I have been working with one particular focus with a client and the knock-on effects that N.O.T has on other areas of their life is always amazing to me. It also helps people have the ability to respond to situations from a centred place instead of reacting out of learnt patterns or an instinctual fear response.
"Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possession we cannot be free."
- Thich Nat Hanh
Contact Me

Address in Johannesburg: The StillPoint, 3 Cotswold Drive, Saxonwold
Tel: 0762263914
Email: sineadkinesiology@gmail.com